GDT Webinar Series – How to Fail at Security? Reserve Your Spot


Hybrid IT Infrastructure
Utilizing a hybrid IT architecture—running some apps on-site, others in the cloud—may be far more common than you’d think.
Data Storage Solutions
One of the issues that actually prevents companies from increasing that spend is the head-spinning number of options that can be utilized. They're blinded by the storage light.
Multicloud Adoption Trends
Organizations are using multicloud strategies far more than they’re utilizing a hybrid cloud model.
Government Cloud Adoption
Gartner states fifty percent of all government organizations utilize cloud services.
Customers’ Choice Award
Juniper Networks was recently named one of only three recipients of a 2018 Gartner Peer Insights Customers’ Choice Award for Data Center Networking.

By Richard Arneson It’s one (1) of the most common speed bumps on the Internet highway—the Adobe Flash Player update message. It’s unexpected and never welcome—a little like a tornado, but not quite that bad. It may not trump some of the other digital speed bumps, like the Windows update

HPE GreenLake Flex Capacity

By Richard Arneson If you need to purchase a container to hold what you’re estimating is between 48 and 60 ounces of liquid, are you going to buy the 50- or 70- ounce container? Yes, you’ll play it safe and get the bigger one, but you’ll spend more money and

6 R's of a cloud migration

By Richard Arneson It’s always confounded me that two (2) of the three (3) R’s of education―reading, writing and arithmetic—were spelled wrong. Whomever coined the phrase was obviously trying to set students up to fail at spelling. Thankfully, we work in an industry that understands the proper spelling of R

Dell EMC PowerVault ME4

By Richard Arneson If your backyard is the size of Greenwich Village apartment, you probably wouldn’t buy a tractor with a mulching attachment to mow the lawn. The same holds true for technology solutions. Why should only the biggest of the biggies get to enjoy best-of-breed, cutting-edge technology solutions? And