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Fog Computing vs Edge Computing

By Richard Arneson Just when everybody got comfortable bandying about the cloud, along comes another meteorology-related tech term―fog. Yes, we now have Fog Computing. While in its infancy (in fact, the OpenFog Consortium was created only three (3) short years ago), it will likely become another oft-used word in the

Dell EMC DP4400

That’s exactly what you’ll get with Dell EMC’s Integrated Data Protection Appliance Two words: data protection. There probably isn’t a more important combination of words in the IT industry. Obviously, Dell EMC agrees―their latest IDPA (integrated data protection appliance) is a turnkey, pre-integrated appliance that brings together protection storage, search

hybrid Cloud experience

By Richard Arneson If you listen closely, you can practically hear IT professionals the world over asking themselves the same question―“If I utilize the public cloud, how can I maintain control and enjoy the security I get from on-premises infrastructures?” And if that question does indeed steer them away from

Cloud Migration Costs

When you consider the costs of doing business, you might only see dollar signs―not uncommon. But if your organization is planning a cloud migration, it’s important to understand all costs involved, both hard and soft. Sure, calculating the hard costs of a cloud migration is critically important―new or additional hardware

Cloud Migration Strategy

First, follow Stephen Covey’s unintentional Cloud Migration advice Stephen Covey, in his 1989 bestselling book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, lists “Begin with the end in mind” as the second habit. But in the event you’re considering a cloud migration for your organization, Covey’s second habit should be

Cloud migration best practices

Let’s face it, Cloud migration best practices is sexy. It’s the latest thing―at least as far as the general public is concerned―and proudly stating “We’re moving everything to the cloud” sounds modern, cutting-edge, even hip (if you want to impress people at a cocktail party, inform them that the concept

Learn on Rekognition

On May 1st, GDT Network Engineer Ryan Rogers presented, as part of the GDT DevOps team’s weekly Lunch & Learn series, information about Rekognition. Amazon Web Services (AWS) has an increasingly large set of services available on their cloud computing platform.  While we all know about storage and compute resources,