GDT Webinar Series – How to Fail at Security? Reserve Your Spot


Software procurement roadmap for oil company

One of the world’s largest oil companies turned to GDT’s Advisory & Consulting professionals for a roadmap to help with future software purchases By Richard Arneson In several recent surveys, it was discovered that software is an IT organization’s largest expenditure—second place isn’t even close. When you’re one of the

unused IT assets

Even after meeting with hundreds of customers over the years, it still amazes me how many are spending money to pay for service contracts on assets that have been decommissioned for years.  It probably shouldn’t be that surprising when you consider the number of devices and licenses that comprise even

Amazon Quantum Ledger Database
Earlier this week, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced that they’re joining cloud competitors Microsoft Azure and IBM Cloud to offer Blockchain-as-as-Service.
Strategic Decision-Making
Desperation and Amazon don’t really go together, so it may come as a shock to learn that they’re punting on most of their business operations in China.
Google Fiber
Think back ten years. who could forget that Google Fiber launched in Kansas City—the first city of many planned—that would help bridge the digital gap between the haves and have nots.
monetize space
$700 billion company Amazon just filed papers with the U.S. government to launch 3,236 satellites that will provide high speed internet service.
How could there possibly be any news—other than the good kind—for IoT? Sadly, in the case of IoT, the bad news involves security.
Machine learning game days
It’s a great time to be a sports fan, and much of the phenomenal experience is provided to you from the world of machine learning.
Russia cybersecurity
In the event you’re keeping score at home, Russia sits atop the medal standings at the Hacker Olympics.