Mass-scale networks go through cycles of major architecture transitions, and those cycles can be long and difficult. Architectural transformations require agility and decisions to be made along the way, but when the transformation is completed, the organization cannot help but benefit. Cisco’s Mass-scale Infrastructure Group (MIG) is designed to help
With data ever increasing, networking infrastructure becomes increasingly complex and distributed as well. Network operations teams must be armed with the right tools to avoid costly downtime, meet business SLAs, and address scale for geographically distributed data centers. As IT teams must now correlate information from numerous tools across hybrid
Over 15 years in IT staffing has given me some unique insights and front-row seat into the IT industry—emerging technologies, purchasing trends, the steady move toward software-based solutions, digital transformation, and on and on. I’ve seen XaaS and cloud services take the industry by storm, hyperconvergence provide more efficient deployment
If you’ve asked or pondered the question, Which is better, 5G or Wi-Fi 6?, here’s your answer—both. As is customary with any new technology, they’re both touted as faster, which in this case is no exaggeration. Speeds for 5G are supposed to be over ten times (10x) that of 4G,
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