GDT Webinar Series – How to Fail at Security? Reserve Your Spot


IoT(Internet of Things) concept - Smart city.
Yes, the smart life is simpler, less stressful and, perhaps best of all, more fiscally-minded. And cities, both big and small, are beginning to see the light.
AI and machine learning Image

By Richard Arneson According to a recent study by a London-based research and analytics firm, ninety-one percent (91%) of executives realize the importance of AI and machine learning technologies. However, only slightly more than half of them are currently utilizing it. And less than twenty percent (20%) know how it’s

FTC's findings

By Richard Arneson By now, most of us are aware that cyber threats don’t discriminate. Any business, regardless of size, industry, location, et al., is a potential target. The media, of course, is going to focus on breaches that affect huge, public-facing, high-profile corporations whose names are recognizable (Target, Uber,

Choosing options

By Richard Arneson The midterms are over, most of the concession speeches have been grudgingly made, which thankfully means no more yard signs or unwanted texts from candidates, and no longer having to hear “This message has been approved by…” at the end of competitor-bashing ads. But now it’s time

GDT security solutions

By Richard Arneson Apologies for the headline in the event you’ll soon label it as an act of sensationalism, but the topic of today’s blog needs to be considered, then forwarded, if you or others you know have implemented, or are in the planning stages of implementing, your organization’s IoT

A-M-D-I-L-L Unscrambled

By Richard Arneson His name might not carry the same weight as Abner Doubleday’s, who is credited with inventing baseball in the early- to mid-1800’s, but Walter Camp is the person widely regarded as the creator of America’s most popular current sport―football. It’s impossible to know exactly what Camp envisioned

Automation & Autonomics

By Richard Arneson Analogy Alert! When VHS recorders were first introduced to the marketplace, I couldn’t imagine a better customer than my Mother. She had just retired and watching re-runs of The Rockford Files consumed a large percentage of her free time (and there was plenty of it). I never

What is Digital Transformation?

By Richard Arneson We’ve all heard of it; we know our company should be striving to achieve it; but what exactly is…digital transformation? Many people, at least those outside of the IT and telecommunications industries, may have been first introduced to the digital world through clocks or CD’s, leaving them

Inspection Image

By Nic Hollins, GDT Network Security Engineer A draft for a new standard has been created by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). It effectually allows people to avoid the scrutiny of surveillance equipment on their networks to perpetuate secure connections. Three Cisco employees have provided a working draft for