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GDT presents Lunch & Learn on Blockchain

GDT Lunch & Learn on Blockchain

On April 3rd, GDT Network Engineer Ryan Rogers presented, as part of the GDT DevOps team’s weekly Lunch & Learn series, information about blockchain. As defined by Investopedia, blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. Ryan uses Bitcoin as the marquee, certainly most noteworthy, implementation of the blockchain algorithm. He begins with a simple definition of blocks, and what can be stored within them. He discusses both the benefits and drawbacks of distributed blockchains, referred to as a Distributed Ledger. Ryan concludes the presentation with a summary of the data structure, hashing, and the power of distribution. There’s a great Q & A session at the end that includes information on use cases, scalability, and the drawbacks of blockchain. Give it a watch–great info!


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