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DCIM—helping the Offensive Linemen of IT get their due

DCIM (Data Center Infrastructure Management)

You usually don’t hear about it until you’re touring a data center in person, if even then. While starstruck by the vast collection of colored cables, twinkling equipment and shiny racks, you probably didn’t give it a thought, much less any credit. Let’s change that. So today—Valentine’s Day—let’s give some much-earned love to the data center’s physical facility. You know, the power, cooling, floor space, environmental control, etc.

DCIM, which stands for Data Center Infrastructure Management, is a software suite that serves two (2) masters. It combines the more glamorous IT with physical assets, the oft-ignored, but vitally important “offensive linemen of the data center.”

A quarterback without a solid offensive line will spend the majority of his time on his backside, regardless of his arm strength, good looks or how high he was selected in the draft. His effectiveness depends implicitly on his offensive linemen, who rarely get due credit or big endorsement dollars. But combine the two (2) and you’ve got a team. And that’s a word that can be aptly used to describe DCIM. It’s a team approach for addressing what all data centers experience on a regular basis—change.

Data center change is more than adding equipment and hoping there’s space, A/C and outlets to accommodate it. DCIM allows organizations to manage and deftly address ever-changing workflows and track costs associated with equipment moves, adds and changes. And it simplifies operational complexities, so the overall value of your data center can be comprehensively realized and managed.

Interaction, Communication—Hut, Hut, Hike

If a quarterback doesn’t call a play, offensive linemen may drop back to pass block on a running play; not good—probably a loss of yardage. A DCIM software suite blends IT and facilities, taking both into account, so organizations can optimally deploy data center assets. It allows management to quickly capture an overview of the data center’s functionality and the health of its systems. DCIM can significantly impact cost structures. For instance, energy consumption can be calculated upfront instead of waiting for a bill at the end of the month.

Data center facilities are costly, but cost savings can be gained by identifying unused resources or optimizing existing capacity. Not having to buy additional capacity when it’s not needed is good for the bottom line.

DCIM satisfies more than IT and Facilities

While it’s obvious that IT organizations will be key players in the DCIM game, it’s only slightly less obvious that facilities will be fully engaged. But don’t forget what it takes for all of this to work—money. Yes, finance departments will have an eye on a DCIM solution. They’ll probably want to compare costs against business value—DCIM can help provide that.

And don’t forget those folks in the corner offices. Executives are more focused on IT than ever before. IT is no longer just about pushing data across the network, backing it up and manning a help desk. More and more executives are looking to IT departments for revenue generation.

Questions about DCIM, Data Center Modernization and Digital Transformation?

If you’re wondering how to modernize your data center and utilize the management tools needed to ensure you enjoy its true value, call on the expert solutions architects and engineers at GDT. For years they’ve been helping customers of all sizes, and from a wide array of industries, realize their digital transformation goals by designing and deploying innovative, cutting-edge solutions that shape their organizations and help them realize positive business outcomes. Contact them at or at They’d love to hear from you.


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