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Our experts share their thoughts on the latest technology and more.

IoT Trends
Here a few of the ways IoT will become more ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives in 2019.
laser light bulb

What do you use dozens, perhaps hundreds, of times a day without taking notice? Nope, it’s not your smart phone, TV or refrigerator…the light bulb. Yes, the light bulb, that ignored, often cursed (when the filament disintegrates at the most inopportune time) staple of every day life. Can we comprehend

desktop fishing for fun -mac fish water abstract jump grounp swim apple tank

It’s impossible to know what fish will bite on, which is probably why people are drawn to fishing. Sure, it seems a little odd that human beings take pleasure in outwitting something with a pea-sized, waterlogged brain, but, yes, it’s fun. One (1) day fish like cheese, the next day,

Finland’s Reindeer Herding Association has been working with Digita, a Helsinki-based communications company, to design a reindeer collar that uses GPS and a Digita's long-distance wireless network.
Digital Canada Map
Heatmine is a Quebec startup that believes it has an answer to the energy drain that is crypto mining.
Internet of Things
Researchers at The University of Washington have developed a backpack for bees, and the best part is what the backpack carries—data!
Fiber Optics Seismic Detection
Forget for one second that it’s super-fast, has far less attenuation than copper or coax cable, is impervious to EMI and RFI, doesn’t pose a fire hazard and doesn’t require replacement nearly as often as its transmission counterparts. Fiber optics can also be used to detect earthquakes. Yes, earthquakes.
AI and machine learning Image

By Richard Arneson According to a recent study by a London-based research and analytics firm, ninety-one percent (91%) of executives realize the importance of AI and machine learning technologies. However, only slightly more than half of them are currently utilizing it. And less than twenty percent (20%) know how it’s

Analytics and Infographics

By Richard Arneson If you know anything about Tonka Trucks (the greatest gift, in my opinion, you can find under the Christmas tree), you may know that they’re Minnesota-based and named after one (1) of the state’s 10,000 lakes—Lake Minnetonka. But Minnetonka—not the lake, but the city—is home to another

Application Performance and IOT Goals

By Richard Arneson Performance monitoring. It’s a pretty generic term. It’s like Lots of moving parts, Best practices, Thinking outside the box….we could list them until Boston releases its 3rd album (for the over 50-year-old reader). But in the IoT world we live in, performance monitoring is a critical component