Today, the word data has taken on a new meaning. Or, at the very least, a new role. Data is no longer something that merely needs to be stored. Now it’s used to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, allowing organizations to access it immediately to make impactful
If you’ve asked or pondered the question, Which is better, 5G or Wi-Fi 6?, here’s your answer—both. As is customary with any new technology, they’re both touted as faster, which in this case is no exaggeration. Speeds for 5G are supposed to be over ten times (10x) that of 4G,
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Copyright © 2019-2024 General Datatech, LP. All rights reserved. GDT names and logos are trademarks, or trademarks Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Office, of General Datatech, LP and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Third-party trademarks mentioned or reflected herein are the property of their respective owners. Additionally, the use of the word “partner” does not imply a legal partnership relationship between GDT and any other company.