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MSP Best Practices

By Richard Arneson It’s not hard to find a Managed Services Provider (MSP); the hard part is finding the right one. Of course, there are many, many things to consider when evaluating MSPs, including the quality of its NOC and SOC (don’t forget the all-important SOC), the level of experienced

By Richard Arneson Companies have been augmenting their IT departments for years with professionals who can step in and make an immediate impact by utilizing their skill sets and empirical expertise. And it’s not limited to engineers or solutions architects. Project managers, high-level consultants, security analysts, DevOps professionals, cabling experts…the

What is Digital Transformation?

By Richard Arneson We’ve all heard of it; we know our company should be striving to achieve it; but what exactly is…digital transformation? Many people, at least those outside of the IT and telecommunications industries, may have been first introduced to the digital world through clocks or CD’s, leaving them

mobility managed solutions

By Richard Arneson If mobility isn’t one of the most used words of the past ten (10) years, it’s got to be a close second. And mobility is no longer just about using Smart phones or tablets to purchase Christmas presents and avoid trips to the shopping mall. Mobility is

market growth

According to an IDC report that was released in 2017, it was predicted the SD-WAN market would grow from a then $700M to over $8B by 2021. They’ve revised that figure. Now it’s over $9B. SD-WAN is often, yet incorrectly, referred to as WAN Optimization, but that’s actually a perfect

10 Reasons to Outsource Software Lifecycle and Adoption Management

Whether developing new solutions or putting out fires, IT organizations often have more on their to-do lists than they can realistically handle. In fact, software lifecycle and adoption management commonly drops off the priority list despite its many performance, health, and cost-savings benefits. But the good news is that it

Managed Services Provider
Even though the benefits of moving to a managed services model are widely known–24x7x365 availability, greater scalability, predictable costs, and faster adoption of new technologies–there are several elements that can leave IT personnel shuddering at the thought of losing control and no longer having all IT resources on-site.

GDT’s Agile Operations Developer Lead Brett Kugler presented, as part of GDT’s weekly Lunch & Learn series, a great, informative presentation on Automation. It’s a hot topic in IT today, and there are many ways teams can incorporate automation in their environment. Brett discusses various automation techniques, including orchestration, provisioning