Prognostications that IoT will become more pervasive in our daily lives is like predicting the New England Patriots will win another Super Bowl. Like it or not, both are going to happen. But the question is, how exactly will IoT become more pervasive? The following predictions aren’t exactly going out on a limb, but they inch slightly closer to it.
Here a few of the ways IoT will become more ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives in 2019:
Voice Control
You better get those voice lessons out of the way soon. If enunciating is an issue, you may find IoT more frustrating in the near future. Sure, we’re used to carefully pronouncing words for Siri and Alexa, but get ready for a host of new IoT devices that will be voice-controlled. Take the automotive industry, for instance. It would be difficult to find an automotive manufacturer that isn’t developing virtual assistants to help with much of the functionality that still relies on manual operation.
And Natural Language Processing, which is a subset, of sorts, of Artificial Intelligence (AI), is helping bridge gaps between computers and the human voice. As much as we’d like them to, computers can’t interpret what we’re trying to say. But with advances in Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL), computers are becoming more equipped to perform translations, including understanding semantics.
When that fifth G finally gets here…
This is the year when 5G is targeted for wide-scale unveiling. It will offer speeds up to twenty times (20x) faster than the sluggish mobile networks we’re currently using. Guess what IoT really needs to become more prevalent and influential in our daily lives? Speed. Sure, availability is a big component—if you can’t get it, how can you use it, right?—but the speed of 5G is what will get IoT rolling like a tumbleweed in a West Texas windstorm.
AI…IoT’s collaborator, friend and protector
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IoT go together like, to quote Forrest Gump, “peas and carrots.” IoT pulls in enormous amounts of data and AI will rely on it to, through learning algorithms, detect anomalies or outliers, and create opportunities to uncover and enhance efficiencies. And it will provide alerts to signal impending problems. And through automated threat detection, AI will help IoT become, and remain, more secure.
Smarter edges
Consider the security camera, one (1) of the superstars of IoT. Imagine how much data it collects that is useless. Hours and hours of worthless 1’s and 0’s getting pushed to the cloud or a server, even though a fraction of it will ever need to be accessed. Now imagine IoT devices that can handle computations on their own. This will free up storage space for vital, useful data, and networks will be less congested, to boot. Software and hardware will be running on the IoT device and, in the camera example, image recognition algorithms will recognize changes and only push its associated data to the cloud or storage.
Get more IoT and Smart City info from the experts
For more information about IoT and Smart City solutions, talk to the experts at GDT. Their tenured, talented solutions architects, engineers and security analysts understand how to design and deploy IoT and Smart City solutions for organizations of all sizes to help them realize more productivity, enhanced operations and greater revenue. GDT helps organizations transform their legacy environments into highly productive digital infrastructures and architectures. You can reach them at They’d love to hear from you.