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video conferencing best practices
As many businesses begin to rely heavily on videoconferencing for the first time, it can be helpful to learn a few best practices from those who have helped businesses enable videoconferencing for years.
IT Hacks for Employee Retention

Collaboration is critical to both productivity and employee retention. Gallup estimates that disengaged employees cost the US $450 to $550 billion in lost productivity per year, and employee turnover adds an additional $11 billion to that tally. Employers aren’t the only ones feeling the squeeze, though; 39% of employees say

Customer Experience

Whether you’re in banking, insurance, retail—just name an industry—the letters C and X have risen to the top of the corporate food chain, and for good reason. CX, or customer experience, is changing the business landscape. Google customer experience and you’ll get close to 2 billion results (Donald Trump gets

Listening skills

GDT’s Physical Infrastructure professionals asked the right questions, listened, then brought a client’s facility online faster and more efficiently IT professionals are like new car buyers; both are looking for the latest and greatest solutions and technologies each industry has to offer. However, the infrastructures both traverse are only mentioned

Business partners greeting each other
According to a recent survey concerning employee productivity, 97% believe a lack of collaboration delays projects’ outcomes. A regional cable TV and ISP serving the upper Midwestern United States could relate.
With almost 300 retail locations in the United States, a global manufacturing corporation serving the business and residential markets needed to greatly expand its wireless network.
Five million HD movies. That’s how many can now be downloaded in a single second.
IoT Trends
Here a few of the ways IoT will become more ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives in 2019.
AI and machine learning Image

By Richard Arneson According to a recent study by a London-based research and analytics firm, ninety-one percent (91%) of executives realize the importance of AI and machine learning technologies. However, only slightly more than half of them are currently utilizing it. And less than twenty percent (20%) know how it’s