GDT Webinar Series – How to Fail at Security? Reserve Your Spot

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Insurance policy lapse
Many analysts believe the current cyber insurance market will double in the next 18 months, from $4 billion to $8 billion in premiums.

By Richard Arneson The midterms are over, most of the concession speeches have been grudgingly made, which thankfully means no more yard signs or unwanted texts from candidates, and no longer having to hear “This message has been approved by…” at the end of competitor-bashing ads. But now it’s time

If you’re not familiar with how ransomware works, call the city of Atlanta’s IT department. On March 22nd, they were hit with the SamSam ransomware, which created, in effect, an encrypted wall that prevented employees from accessing needed data. It effectively ground city services to a halt. The city couldn’t