GDT Webinar Series – How to Fail at Security? Reserve Your Spot


video conferencing best practices
As many businesses begin to rely heavily on videoconferencing for the first time, it can be helpful to learn a few best practices from those who have helped businesses enable videoconferencing for years.
printer security
Did you know that people you don’t know could use your printer to harm others, and most likely, you would never know?
SIEM data
If your organization knows what its sensitive data elements are, where they reside – including all occurrences in consolidated log repositories – and understands the business use cases for accessing the SIEM data, the management of risk associated with that data is much more easily accomplished.
IT Hacks for Employee Retention

Collaboration is critical to both productivity and employee retention. Gallup estimates that disengaged employees cost the US $450 to $550 billion in lost productivity per year, and employee turnover adds an additional $11 billion to that tally. Employers aren’t the only ones feeling the squeeze, though; 39% of employees say

IT Trends and Resolution
The old adage is true – the only constant is change, particularly in industries such as ours that are seemingly defined by change in the form of innovation. But many experts seem to believe that 2020 will be the year of reckoning for digital transformation efforts over the past three
CCPA compliance

As you likely know, enforcement of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) officially begins July 1, 2020. What you may not know, though, is the impact that CCPA will have on employees and their information and that a second round of requirements (effective Jan. 1, 2021) extend employee rights beyond

National Cyber Security Awareness Month

In 2003, the National Cybersecurity Division of the DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security) named the month of October “National Cybersecurity Awareness Month”, aka NCSAM. As the CTO of GDT Secure Infrastructure, you can rest assured that we will be focusing on ways to educate our customers on becoming more security

Hyper-Converged Infrastructure

HCI, or Hyperconverged Infrastructure, has been getting a lot of buzz over the past few years, which isn’t surprising considering that it saves, according to several studies on HCI, approximately 25% in OPEX. One study estimates that roughly 25% of companies are currently using it, with another 23% planning on

storage options

  Today, the word data has taken on a new meaning. Or, at the very least, a new role. Data is no longer something that merely needs to be stored. Now it’s used to gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace, allowing organizations to access it immediately to make impactful