GDT Webinar Series – How to Fail at Security? Reserve Your Spot


Our experts share their thoughts on the latest technology and more.

By Richard Arneson We’ve been hearing it for years—automation, robots, and, more recently, AI will kill jobs and leave people out of work, out of money, tank the economy, etc. And there’s no industry more fearful of automation than manufacturing, that it will mark an end to jobs, especially those

Smart devices managed services

By Richard Arneson Question: What happens when you combine AI (artificial intelligence) and Wi-Fi? Apologies to Alex Trebek and Jeopardy, but this particular solution is so cool, exciting and effective that I couldn’t bury the lead and had to skip straight to the answer. Wi-Fi has been part of our

GDT security solutions

By Richard Arneson Apologies for the headline in the event you’ll soon label it as an act of sensationalism, but the topic of today’s blog needs to be considered, then forwarded, if you or others you know have implemented, or are in the planning stages of implementing, your organization’s IoT

Automation & Autonomics

By Richard Arneson Analogy Alert! When VHS recorders were first introduced to the marketplace, I couldn’t imagine a better customer than my Mother. She had just retired and watching re-runs of The Rockford Files consumed a large percentage of her free time (and there was plenty of it). I never

How does IoT fit with SD-WAN

By Richard Arneson Now that computing has been truly pushed out to the edge, it brings up questions about how it will mesh with today’s networks. The answer? Very well, especially regarding SD-WAN. IoT is comprised of three types of devices that make it work―sensors, gateways and the Cloud. No,

What is Digital Transformation?

By Richard Arneson We’ve all heard of it; we know our company should be striving to achieve it; but what exactly is…digital transformation? Many people, at least those outside of the IT and telecommunications industries, may have been first introduced to the digital world through clocks or CD’s, leaving them

mobility managed solutions

By Richard Arneson If mobility isn’t one of the most used words of the past ten (10) years, it’s got to be a close second. And mobility is no longer just about using Smart phones or tablets to purchase Christmas presents and avoid trips to the shopping mall. Mobility is

market growth

According to an IDC report that was released in 2017, it was predicted the SD-WAN market would grow from a then $700M to over $8B by 2021. They’ve revised that figure. Now it’s over $9B. SD-WAN is often, yet incorrectly, referred to as WAN Optimization, but that’s actually a perfect

A Fiber Optic First

By Richard Arneson It’s one of those “Do you remember where you were when…?” questions, at least for those at least fifty-years-old. And it didn’t just affect those in northern, hockey-friendly states. People as far south as Texas stopped their cars at the side of the road and began honking

IOT surveillance

By Richard Arneson Try explaining flash storage, data analytics, or hybrid cloud solutions to the man on the street. Unless they work in the IT industry, you’re likely to be met with a blank, indifferent stare. But mention their smart phone, tablet, Ring doorbell or Fitbit watch, and device specs